Mālama pono
Mālama pono pictured in 14oz Collins glass
2 oz State Line American Gin
3/4 oz Fresh Lemon Juice
1/2 oz Mango Grendine
1/2 oz Pineapple
1 oz Egg White
3 oz Seltzer
Glass: Collins
Garnish: Lemon Peel
Add all ingredients except seltzer into your shaking tin and shake without ice. Add ice and shake until shaking tins are frosty. Double strain into chilled glass with no ice. Add seltzer into emptied shaking tin, swish, & strain into glass to fizz. Express & insert lemon peel for garnish.
*Cocktail Lounge circa 2018
Recipe by State Line Distillery bar manager Mike McDonald
Mango Grenadine
Vacuum Sealer
Sous Vide
Cheesecloth and/or Coffee Filter
60g Organic Dried Mango
250g POM Wonderful
250g Granulated Sugar
83g Filtered Water
Weigh and add ingredients to vacuum seal bag, seal. Sous vide @ 145 degrees for 1 1/2 hour. Place in Ice Bath. Once chilled strain through cheesecloth and/or coffee filter.